Wednesday 4 March 2009

A Very Long Lunch...

Back in the 1970's my darling husband, Gordon, began his trade apprenticeship at ARL (Aeronautical Research Laboratories). He wanted to be a Draftsman, but decided to do a Fitting & Turning apprenticeship first, and there were lots of other apprentices starting there with him - doing different things like Carpentry and Instrument Making etc. They were all young - around 17 or 18 and all became great friends.

Then the girlfriends came along and there were engagements to attend and weddings and camping trips and dinners, and eventually family life got in the way and we all drifted along different paths.

But on the weekend we had a REUNION! We all went for a BBQ lunch, and it was great - it was a really long long lunch, and funnily enough in my mind, everyone was still young, but when we saw each other, we actually did not look like I remembered. Here are some pics from the lunch:

One very interesting fact we discovered is that our children are all girls - yes - between these boys and their wives they went on to father 9 female children ... no boys! Not one. Why is that? Makes you wonder what strange things the boys were exposed to over the years at ARL doesn't it?

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