Tuesday 15 July 2008


On the weekend my big girl left home - after much planning, packing, etc. she has moved into a share house with her gorgeous boyfriend of many years! Good Luck Caitlyn and Dean.

Here's a cute photo of them sitting on a "throne" together.

So I was invited over yesterday for a cuppa and look see - cute house, nice flatmates, and how organised is this - they have a shelf each in the pantry and a shelf each in the fridge! What a cool idea. I enjoyed my visit and had to laugh as a few hours later my big girl walked in the door at home to pick up a few more things, she liked the smell of dinner cooking and stayed for tea!


Anonymous said...

LOL. I LOVE going home to my mum's too! Good Luck to Caitlyn on her new adventure!

Jenny Adams said...

Hi Michelle, Can't believe I hadn't posted since May!! Hope to do so on a regular basis now.