Friday 7 August 2009


I started a new job this week! ... training is hard... I have to learn loads of Latin terms and an entire manual of rules and procedures and stuff, but I thought I'd share with you one of the highlights of my day:

Krispy Kreme Donuts! Yes, we had to eat our way through THREE DOZEN Krispy Kreme Donuts this morning!

And my latest stamping order arrived but I am too tired to play! And I went into a great swap so a package arrived with 12 different card designs... can't wait to share those! Hopefully on the weekend.


Michelle said...

Congratulations on the New Job, Jenny! Gosh, Krispy Kremes are such a wonderful way to get to know your way around. :)

A new job AND Krispy Kremes AND new product AND a swap. WOW! That's Awesome!

Penny Hanuszak said...

Congratulations swap sister on the new job and eating your way through those donuts....... wow that's awesome. Can't wait to see your new swaps. I'll be posting your pics tonight or tomorrow so stay tuned. I'm working too now so have been very tired. Anyway I've nominated you today for an award because you've such a fantastic blog. You can check it out on my blog at